Can a home inspection help me sell my home?
Fort Worth area home owners are discovering how to sell a home faster and for prices closer to their asking price. A pre-listing inspection performed BEFORE you put your home up for sale can help you sell faster, for closer to your desired sale price.
Most buyers in today’s market are going to get an inspection of the home they want to buy. so, it makes sense to have your home inspected prior to placing it on the market. Why wait until some buyer’s inspector finds something that can delay your sale? Maybe there are things about your home that you aren’t sure about. If you find out ahead of time, YOU can act accordingly. Get it fixed by a contractor of your choosing. Tell the buyer what’s wrong and price it as is. YOU can be in more in control!
House Exam Inspection has been working for buyers for over seven years. Why not call us and let us go to work for you when you decide to SELL? Call now at (817) 797-2461 or click here to order your inspection online.